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Stories from the
life of Jesus |
Birth of Jesus
Luke 2:1-20 (Scriptural
During the time that Mary was pregnant
the ruler of the Roman Empire, Caesar Augustus, decided that a census
should be taken of the whole Roman world. So everyone was to go to the
city of his or her birth to register and pay taxes. Because Joseph,
Mary's fiancé, was from Bethlehem, they would have to travel
there in order to register. Bethlehem was about 120 kilometers south
of Nazareth where they were living. At this time, Mary was about 9 months
pregnant and would have to travel this great distance not by train or
plane, but by a donkey. After
the long journey, they arrived in Bethlehem only to find that all of
the hotels and guesthouses were full because so many people had come
to the city. The only place that was available to stay was a dirty,
smelly shelter where the animals were kept. It was here that Mary gave
birth to Jesus. After he was born, she wrapped Him up in a cloth and
placed Him on hay where the animals ate. Instead of a baby crib, the
Son of God was placed in a feeding trough. There was no large procession,
no big band, nor big national celebration. But in that humble place,
God chose for His Son to be born. Mary
and Joseph were the only ones who knew of this great event, but God
wanted others to know. He did not go to the rulers or kings, but He
sent an angel to a group of shepherds to tell them about the birth of
His Son. These men were out in a field at night watching over their
sheep, when an angel appeared to them. They were terrified. Imagine
being out in a dark field with only the stars as light and an angel
appearing to you. The angel, knowing they were afraid, said to them,
"Do not be afraid, because I am going to tell you some good news
that will bring great joy to everyone. In Bethlehem, a Savior has been
born. He is the Savior King, the Lord." The angel gave them a sign
so that they would know that this child was the Son of God. They would
find the baby wrapped in a cloth and lying in a feeding trough. And
with this, a great number of angels appeared, filling the sky and worshipping
God saying, "Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests."
After the angels left, the shepherds
rushed off to the city to see what had happened. When they arrived,
they found Mary and Joseph and the baby lying in the feeding trough
just as the Lord had told them through the angel. After seeing the baby,
they told others about what they had seen and returned to the fields
praising and worshipping God.
Questions for
Discussion and Thought:
1. How do we celebrate the birth
of the first child to a couple? (We can imagine that Mary and Joseph
were extremely excited about the birth of their first son. But there
were no family or friends at the birth of Jesus, only animals and low
status shepherds. But God sent thousands of angels on this great occasion.)
2. Why do you think Jesus was born under such humble circumstances,
that is, being born in an animal shelter, lying in a feeding trough,
and his first visitors being lowly shepherds? (Jesus came to save people
from their sins, not to be a military ruler or king)
3. What does this tell us about Jesus? (Jesus came for all people)
or Questions?

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Visits the Temple as a Boy
Luke 2:41-52 (Scriptural
Religious Festivals in this country
are important to families especially when a child experiences them for
the first time, like Diwali or Holi. The Jewish culture is similar with
different ceremonies that take place in the life of the child in its
early years. For Jesus this was
true as well. One important ceremony was when he was 8 days old
and was taken to the Jewish temple in Jerusalem to be presented to the
Lord. At this ceremony He would have been circumcised and given the name
Jesus just as the angel had told them. Probably the most important
Jewish religious festival for a male child was when he attended his
first Passover festival at the age of twelve. This was an ancient Jewish
festival to commemorate when God freed the people of Israel from
captivity in Egypt. Hundreds of years before Jesus was born the people
of Israel had been in slavery under the rule of Egypt for about four
hundred years, but God would deliver them. In order to convince the
Egyptian ruler that they should release the people of Israel, God sent
ten plagues on the people of Egypt. With each subsequent plague that was
sent, the severity increased but the Ruler still refused to let the
people go. The last plague was the most severe which was the killing of
the first-born male child in every Egyptian family. The people of Israel
were given instructions to follow in order to escape this terrible
plague. The people were to kill a lamb and put its blood over the
doorpost of their houses so that the Angel of death would pass over
their houses as it went across the land of Egypt. So by the command of
God, every year after this historical event the Jewish people have
conducted this festival to remember how God had delivered them hundreds
of years ago. The Passover celebration is now celebrated either in the
month of March or April. When Jesus was twelve years old He went
with His family to Jerusalem to celebrate this great festival. The
family would travel from Nazareth to Jerusalem with a group of friends
and family. When they arrived the city would be crowded with Jews from
all over the country. People would be rushing about making purchases for
the festival and buying a lamb that would be sacrificed for the sins of
the family. Jesus' family would also have made preparations for this
celebration, especially this being the first Passover for Jesus. Jesus
would have experienced the purchasing of the lamb, the going to the
temple, and the sacrificing of the lamb for the sins of the
family. After the festival was over Joseph and Mary began their
journey back to Nazareth but they did not know that Jesus had stayed in
Jerusalem. Because they were traveling in a large group they supposed
that Jesus was traveling with a relative or a friend. After one day's
journey they began to search for Jesus among the group but could not
locate Him, so they returned to Jerusalem in order to find Him. When
they arrived in the city they spent three days looking for Him and found
Him in the temple with the religious teachers, listening to them and
asking them questions. Everyone including Joseph and Mary were amazed at
His understanding of the scriptures and the answers He gave. Mary like
any parent asked Jesus why He had done this and did He not know that
they had been anxiously looking for Him. Jesus' response showed that
even at the age of twelve He was aware of what purpose God the Father
had given Him. He said to His parents, "Did you not know that I had
to be in My Father's house?" (Luke 2:49) Mary and Joseph did not
understand the meaning of what He had said. After this He returned to
Nazareth with them and continued in obedience to them. Even as a
child Jesus knew that His Father was God, and He knew what the purpose
of His life was. He showed great wisdom of the Holy Scriptures at an
early age and knew that they spoke of Him. He knew that He had come to
be the Savior of the world and that He would be the final sacrificial
lamb for the sins of the world.
for discussion and thought:
What is the meaning of the Jewish festival of Passover? (See
What is the significance of this story in the life of Jesus and His
purpose on the Earth? (Jesus was aware of who His Father was and
what His mission was. He would become the Lamb of God that would
be sacrificed for the sins of the world.)

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the Lamb of God
Matthew 3:13-17; Luke 3:1-22; John 1:29-37
(Scriptural Reference)
When Jesus was about thirty years old
He began to be more public in what His Father had sent Him to do. Eighteen
years had passed since He went to Jerusalem to celebrate His first Passover
festival at the age of twelve. It was now time for Jesus to begin to
fulfill the purpose for which He had come. Jesus
had a cousin by the name of John who was born six months before He was,
who had a divine purpose in relation to Jesus. John was born to a couple
named Zacharias and Elizabeth a cousin of Mary. John was about thirty
years old when he began to tell people that God was going to send someone
who would be the Savior of the world. At this time John did not know
that it was Jesus. John was a man who lived like a sadhu in the wilderness
eating a simple diet of honey and locust and wore simple clothes. Many
people; religious leaders, Roman tax collectors, Roman soldiers, came
to John because they saw him as a holy man and were asking him what
they should do. His message to the people was to prepare themselves
spiritually for the coming of the Savior King sent by God. He told them
to change the way they were living, to stop breaking God's commands,
to confess their sins, to seek God's forgiveness, and to take a holy
bath in the river to symbolize the cleansing they desired from God.
Many people would ask John if he were the one God had sent to be the
Savior of the world, but John told them that he was not. He told them
that he was not even worthy enough to untie the shoelaces of the One
who was coming. John said that he only gave a holy bath in water but
when the Savior King would come, He would give true cleansing and forgiveness
of sins, because He would immerse people in the Holy Spirit of God.
was often giving people this holy bath in a river called the Jordan
River. The Jordan River runs North and South the length of Palestine.
It runs through the Sea of Galilee and ends in the Dead Sea. One day
while John was at the Jordan, he saw Jesus coming towards him and he
said to the crowd, "Look, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin
of the world." (John 1:29) He told them that this was the One about
whom he had said, "After me comes a Man who has a higher rank than
I, for He existed before me." (John 1:30) John told them that Jesus
was the One he had told them about. Jesus
came to John and asked to take the holy dip. John told Jesus that He
should be giving the holy bath to him. Though Jesus did not need the
holy bath because of sin, because Jesus had no sin, He persuaded John
to give Him this bath to show His obedience to the Father. After being
dipped in the water the heavens were opened and the Spirit of God came
down like a dove on Jesus and then a voice from Heaven said, "This
is My beloved Son and I am very pleased with Him." (Luke 3:17),After
this, John gave witness that Jesus was the Son of God.
Questions for
discussion and thought:
1. What was John's purpose in relation
to Jesus? (He was to lead people to Jesus. He was not to direct people
to himself, but to the One that God was sending. He was to call people
to return to God and seek His forgiveness.)
2. What was the significance of the holy bath that John was giving?
(It symbolized the changed life of the person and the forgiveness of
sin that he sought in God.)
3. Why did Jesus ask John to give Him the holy bath? (To show His obedience
to God the Father.)
4. Why did John call Jesus the Lamb
of God? (Because Jesus would be that perfect sacrifice for the sin of
the world)
or Questions?

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Tempts Jesus
Matthew 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13
(Scriptural Reference)
We are all tempted at times to do the
wrong things, to compromise our ethical principles or the moral standards
we were taught and there have been occasions when we have given in to
these temptations and committed sin. Jesus, too, was tempted to do wrong
but he never gave in, he never sinned. (Hebrews 4:15). After
Jesus was given the holy bath, the Spirit of God led him into a wilderness
for the purpose of being tempted by Satan, God's enemy. While in the
desert Jesus went without food for forty days and forty nights and Satan
tempted Him during this time. Satan or the devil was Jesus' enemy and
did not want Him to succeed in becoming the Savior King for all nations
and all people. When the forty days had passed, Jesus became hungry
and Satan said to Him, "If you really are the Son of God, why don't
you turn these stones into bread?" (Matthew 4:3) This was something
that Jesus could do, but He answered Satan by quoting God' Word, "It
is written, Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that
proceeds out of the mouth of God." (Matthew 4:4) Satan wanted Jesus
to use His divine powers selfishly instead of modeling how a human being
can rely on God the most High, but Jesus refused. Satan
again came to Jesus and took Him to the top of the Temple in Jerusalem
and said to Him, "If you are the Son of God, jump off this high
place because the Scriptures say that the angels will protect you."
Jesus responded by saying, "That is true, but the Holy Scriptures
also say that you are not to put God to the test." (Matthew 4:7)
Satan wanted Jesus to test God to see if He was really faithful to His
word. Jesus said that we were not to test God by doing something in
order to make God prove He is faithful or good. For a third time, Satan
tempted Jesus by taking Him to a high mountain and showing Him all the
kingdoms of the world, and telling Him that he would give all of these
to Him, if He would only knell before Satan and worship him. Jesus again
refused by reminding Satan of what God said in the Holy Scriptures,
"It is written, you will worship the Lord your God and serve Him
only." (Matthew 4:10)After
Jesus had been tempted with every temptation, Satan left Him. Then angels
came and cared for Jesus' needs. Jesus
met His enemy and even though He was weakened from going without food
for forty days, He resisted the enemy's temptations. Satan wanted Jesus
to take the easy way out by not dying as the Sacrificial Lamb for the
sins of the world. He wanted Jesus to worship him and not listen to
God His Father. But Jesus chose to fully submit to the Father and fulfill
the purpose for which He was born. Jesus refused to bow before any spiritual
being no matter how powerful, except His Father, the Lord most High.
Jesus knew that there was no other way to save people from their sins
but to pay the ultimate price, the giving of His life.
Questions for
discussion and thought:
1. Why do you think the Spirit of
God led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted? (By going through these
temptations, Jesus can help us when we are tempted. He understands what
it is like to be tempted. Jesus was tempted as we are sometimes, but
He never sinned. Jesus is our model of how to rely on God the Father
when we face temptation.)
2. What was Satan's purpose in tempting
Jesus? (Satan wanted Jesus to follow a different plan than what His
Father had laid out for Him. Satan is the enemy of God and us and is
always trying to get us to do the opposite of what God wants. His purpose
is to destroy us and steal our lives. He was trying to do the same with
Jesus. He had tried to kill Jesus when He was a baby by using King Herod
of Judea to destroy all the young male babies at that time but God thwarted
his plan. (Matthew 2:13-23) Jesus is more powerful than Satan.
3. How did Jesus respond to each
temptation of Satan's? (He responded by repeating what His Father had
said in the Bible. Satan is always trying to deceive us, even by using
God's word, but twisting it to make it a half-truth. Jesus knew Satan's
evil plan and refused to listen to Him. Jesus defeated Satan.)
or Questions?

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heals a Paralytic
Matthew 9:1-8; Mark 2:1-12; Luke 5:17-26
(Scriptural Reference)
As you have already learned, there were
large groups of people that followed Jesus wherever He was because of
His miracles and teaching. On one occasion, Jesus was in the city of
Capernaum teaching God's word to the people and performing miracles.
So many people had gathered to hear Him that there was no room left
in the home where He was, not even outside the door. While
Jesus was inside the house some men came bringing a paralyzed friend
on a stretcher. They wanted to bring their friend to Jesus in order
that He might heal him. When they got to the house where Jesus was,
it was so crowded, that they were not able to enter the house. Therefore
the men decided to go up on top of the house and lower their friend
through the roof. Now you want to ask, "how could they lower him
through the roof?" Could you imagine someone digging a hole in
your rooftop in order to lower a friend down to the middle of your living
room? Evidently, during this time the roofs of the houses were made
out of some kind of clay or mud tiles so it was possible for these men
to make a hole large enough to lower their friend. After making the
hole, the men lowered the paralytic right in the center of the room
in front of Jesus. There was probably complete silence in the room.
seeing that these men believed that He could heal the man, Jesus said
to the paralyzed man, "Your sins are forgiven." There may
have been some puzzled looks on people's faces after Jesus said this
to a man who wanted to be healed. Present in the crowd were some religious
leaders who had come from different villages in Galilee, Judea, and
the city of Jerusalem and they began to reason and talk among themselves
about what Jesus had just said. They were thinking, "He is cursing
God. Only God can forgive sins. Why is he talking like this?" But
Jesus knew what they were thinking in their hearts, so He said to them,
"Why are you thinking these things in your heart? Which would be
easier to say to the paralytic, 'Your sins are forgiven' or 'Get up,
take your mat and walk'? (Which would be easier to say?) Then Jesus
said to them, "so that you may know that I have authority on earth
to forgive sins", He said to the paralyzed man, "Get up, take
your mat and go home." Immediately the man got up, took his mat
and went home in full view of everyone. The
people of course were amazed and praised God and began saying that they
had never seen anything like this. Jesus had not only healed the man
but also had forgiven his sins. Jesus had the authority to heal the
man and forgive his sins.
Questions for
Discussion and Thought:
1. Why did these men go to so much
trouble to bring their friend to Jesus? (They knew that Jesus had the
power to heal him.)
2. Why did Jesus first tell the paralyzed
man, "Your sins are forgiven"? (The greatest need of this
man's life was spiritual not physical. His greatest need was the forgiveness
of his sins. The men knew Jesus not only as a healer but as the Savior
of the world who would take away people's sin.)
3. Why did the religious leaders
say that Jesus was cursing God by His saying that the man's sins were
forgiven? (They said only God could forgive sins. They did not accept
Jesus' authority and power to forgive sin.)
4. What did Jesus want to show the
people by telling the man to get up and take his mat? (That He had the
power to heal diseases and forgive sin.)
5. Do you think Jesus has the authority
and power to forgive your sins? (Jesus has that authority and power
because He was the perfect sacrifice for your sins)
or Questions?

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Calms the Storm
Matthew 8:23-27; Mark 4:35-41; Luke
8:22-25 (Scriptural
Jesus did a lot of His teaching and
traveling around a large body of water called the Sea or Lake of Galilee.
From time to time He would travel across the Sea with His disciples.
This Sea was known to be dangerous because storms would come up without
warning and boats would get caught in the middle of the Sea. One
evening, after having finished a day of teaching and performing miracles,
Jesus decided to sail to the other side of the Sea with His disciples.
After entering the boat Jesus went to the stern of the boat (the back
of the boat) and fell asleep on a cushion. While they were going across,
a furious storm came up on the Sea so that the waves were sweeping across
the boat so much that it was in danger of sinking. The disciples were
trying everything to keep the boat afloat but probably felt hopeless
facing this storm. They may have also been thinking, "How could
Jesus sleep during a storm like this?" The
disciples thinking that all hope was gone, went and woke Jesus up and
said to Him, "Lord save us, we are going to drown?" Then Jesus
got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet! Be still!"
then the wind died down and it became completely calm. He then said
to His disciples, "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no
faith?" The disciples then
began to talk among themselves asking one another with fear and amazement,
"Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they
obey Him."
Questions for discussion
and thought:
1. How could Jesus fall asleep while
on a boat in a big storm?
(Though it would be very difficult for us to sleep in a storm like that,
Jesus probably knew what He was going to do and He knew who He was,
so He could sleep.)
2. Why would Jesus say to His disciples,
"why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?"
(The disciples had been with Jesus for sometime and had seen Him perform
many miracles and they knew His power but they failed to trust Jesus
on this occasion. Or maybe they thought that Jesus did not have power
over natural occurrences like storms, so they were afraid. Jesus also
asked them, "Do you still have no faith?" He was asking, "Do
you still have no faith in Me?" or "Do you still not believe
in Me?" It is said that everyone has faith and this is true. But
Jesus' question to the His disciples was, "do you not have faith
in Me?" They had been with Him and had seen what He could do, but
they still did not trust Him fully. The question for us is not, "do
we have faith?" but "In whom do we have our faith?" Jesus
wanted His disciples to know that even in a violent storm, they could
trust Him.
3. The disciples asked the question
about Jesus after He had calmed the Sea, "Who is this?" What
does this story tell us about who Jesus is?
(The disciples knew that only God the Creator had authority over nature.
First this teaches us that Jesus had authority over nature. He could
calm the storm and speak to the waves and wind and they would obey Him.
Second the Bible tells us why He had authority over nature. In one place
in the Bible, it says, that through Jesus, "all things were made;
without Him nothing was made that has been made." (John 1:3) Jesus
was God. He was the Creator of all. Because He was God and Creator,
He had authority over nature and could speak to the waves and wind and
they would obey Him. Remember in the last story (Story 9) about Jesus
healing the paralytic man, when Jesus first told the man that His sins
were forgiven and all the religious leaders became angry, saying that
only God could forgive sins. Jesus could forgive sins because He was
4. If Jesus can calm the natural
storms that occur, can He not calm the personal storms in our lives?
or Questions?

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Life of
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